People want an easy way to lose weight, and they are not able to lose weight the easy way (eating better and exercising), so they think every diet is their life saving opportunity. And you will be there for them, to trust you and finally start losing pounds.
An entire diet cookbook will take no more than one hour to be done, with around 20/30 recipes, that is the right size for me.
In this guide you will find all my tips and tricks to win on Kindle and collect many sales as well. That means learning the best diets to target, the recipes I found for you during hours and hours of research, the Kindle and paper books publishing strategies and much, much more.
There are a lot of secrets to create and sell diet cookbooks, and I’ve got them all for you. There are diets which sell like crazy, and others that don’t sell. It’s incredible, but you need a real strategy to build up your profits.