We Spotted a Big New Printable Niche, And You Can Take Full Advantage Of It!

Discover How To Create Amazing Printable Coupon Books
To Resell On Etsy Without Losing Hours, And Without
Competing With Thousands Of Sellers!

  • 100% Newbie-Friendly Method.
  • No External Traffic Needed.
  • ​No Paid Software Needed.
  • ​Works Anywhere In The World.
  • ​You Can Get Started In Minutes.
  • ​There's No Trouble About Competition.
  • ​It's 100% Evergreen And Set-And-Forget.
  • ​It's Completely Done-For-You.

We Found An Easy Way To Get Paid On
Multiple Times Per Day.

Hello and welcome!

What we discovered left us speechless. There are thousands and thousands of buyers in search of one thing: printable coupon books. And we are not speaking about a coupon to get discounts on supermarkets or online. Not at all!

Printable coupon books are scorching. Yet, people use them for birthdays, festivities, and special occasions, or a moment of laugh or love.

Those new coupon books are what people are searching for on Etsy.

Etsy Users Love To Express Their Emotions
With Coupons, And The New Printable Format
Allows Them To Customize The Coupons
And Create New Ones Faster Than Ever.

Playing With People Emotions Is One Of The
Best Ways To Sell Those Coupon Books,
That Need No More Than 20 Mins To Be Completed.

Creating Coupon Books Is Incredibly Easy!

Use One Of The Five Triggers We Provide.

Create One Or More Coupon Images.

Sell Them On Etsy In
a Printable Format.

Are You Ready To Discover Our Secret Printable Coupon Books Creation Method?

From The Desk Of...

Alessandro Zamboni

Andreas Quintana

With the right strategies, creating coupon books is one of the easiest things we ever found. And that's what we will provide inside this course.

All you need is one idea or trigger we provide, and you can start creating new printable coupon templates. There are many different ways to generate those coupon books, and we will show you all in easy step-by-step videos.

We saw easy printable coupons selling for $750 and more, only because they were funny, about love, or about a seasonal activity. But, once deployed, those coupons will sell over and over, year by year, because they are evergreen, and people will always need them.

So, inside this course, we will give you the keys to comprehending this business and replicate it without errors.

Selling Coupon Books Is Highly Remunerative.
Stores Are Making More Than $30K Per Month,
Even If This Is a Result That Requires Hard Work.

Imagine a mother or a father that gifts a coupon to their daughter who just graduated. Or the birthday party where the celebrated person receives a coupon to choose where he wants to travel.

Coupon books generally refer to moments like those, instants to remember for a lifetime, because there was love behind each coupon.

There is also the funny moment, where you think to get a plane ticket, and instead, all you got was a joke or the moment of genuine love between two people who need a coupon for a hot night.

In short, the opportunities to use a printable coupon are a lot, and you can take real advantage of all those without thinking twice. Consider Etsy sellers do not cover some festivities at the moment. It is an incredible advantage for you.

Knowing The Steps To Take Is Priceless,
As You Will Cut Through Competitors
To Get Your Coupons On Top Of Every Keyword.

What You Won’t Have To Do, 
And What This Is Not.

  • You won't need to work hard to get results. It is effortless to create new printable coupon books, and sell them.
  •  There are no long videos to study. You see the process, and you apply it on your own.
  • ​You won't need to pay for freelancers to do this job, unless you want some great coupons created from zero. You can do it in three minute per coupon, or twenty minutes for a complete book.
  • ​It is not a project stealing you hours from your day, as it is the perfect side business you can run when you have time.
  • ​There are no angry customers because they know what they want and they can see what they will get.
  • You don't have to ship anything, as this is a printable business where your customers buy and print out what they desire.
  • ​You don't need to send paid traffic to your products.

Here Is What You Can Have Access To With Our Course.

  • Discover how to create professional coupon books.
  • How to create five genres of coupon books.
  • The best printable coupon books for sale under each genre.
  • ​The price you can ask for each printable book.
  • ​The 7 top festivities where you can publish printable coupon books.
  • ​Every step you need to create your own coupons.
  • ​The top keywords for each of the five genres.
  • ​And many tips and tricks!

Hey, Wait! There's Also a Big Bonus For You!



This is a video series where you will learn how to create printable cutouts in a way that is really requested on Etsy and in many other marketplaces.

You will get many examples and strategies to apply to your business.

Thanks To Coupon Books Empire, You Can
Learn How To Profit From Printable Coupons 
And Coupon Books In a Passive Way.

Once Uploaded, Your Coupon Book Will Get
Orders, And Will Be Delivered Automatically.

Let Us Give You The Secrets Of
Coupon Books Creation.

This Brand New Printable Niche Is Exploding
Right Now, And It's The Perfect Moment To
Jump In, And Create Your Coupon Books!

Click The Buy Button Now!



If you experience any trouble, or you are not happy with your purchase, you can ask a refund in the first 14 days from your purchase date.

Please send an email to puck82@gmail.com, and I guarantee your refund in no more than 48 hours.

Thanks a lot, and see you on the inside!

Alessandro Zamboni

Andreas Quintana

P.S. If you love printables and creativity, this is the perfect business for you. Don't throw away the opportunity to double your business by adding a brand new revenue stream!

P.P.S. Will come, one day, the time I will close all my sales because I will transfer my business from Clickfunnels to another company. So, if you don't want to risk, come back to your senses, and grab this excellent course for the price of a pizza and drink for two.

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