Discover How To Launch
Books, Paper Books
And Audiobooks
On Kindle And Turn Them Into BestSellers
Welcome From
Alessandro Zamboni
Top 20 WarriorPlus Seller
This Is The Secret Method I Use To Collect Passive Income Month By Month, On Kindle Marketplace, and
Have Done Over The Last 7 Years.
Imagine being able to create 5 to 10 books each and every month, and then to resell them as paper books and audiobooks with no additional efforts, accumulating sales after sales that go up like crazy in just a few months.

The method is very easy and newbie-proof. I will show you how to create interesting and evergreen mini-books, and how to sell them every month with a new method never released before.

It’s a technique I learned from the most famous authors in the world, after following high-ticket one to one coaching and high-ticket academies, and that I was able to apply to my books as well.

Each and every day, thousands and thousands of people buy and read ebooks, paper books and audiobooks from Amazon. So why not enter this niche together with authors who are selling their titles every month, accumulating incredible profits?
This Is The Unique Course That Shows You All Secrets You Never Heard About Kindle, Paper Books and Audiobooks.
You Will Learn How To Write And Publish Non-Fiction Guides And Fiction Stories To Earn A Living That Grows With Time
With a Strategy You Never Seen Before Applied To Books.

It’s Very Easy, And Funny!
- MY SECRET METHOD to create Kindle books in the right niches and that go automatically into the first few places on Kindle marketplace, knowing how much they earn and sell month by month.

- My secret list of over 2,145 niches to test out on Kindle marketplace.

- How to write, or get written by freelancers, all your ebooks, in little guides from 2,500 to 5,000 words.

- How to use PLR content in the unique permitted way to create outstanding ebooks.

- How to proofread and format your book for just $10.
- How to publish the ebooks on Kindle marketplace.

- How to use a pen name.

- How to get a lot of free ebook reviews.

- How to generate free traffic to your Kindle books.

And more, to dominate another 2 markets (Audiobooks and Paper Books!)

- How to create your audiobooks for free.

- How to publish the same ebook as a paper book.
- How to format your book.

- How to get a wonderful cover designed for you.

- The step-by-step procedure to get your book approved.

- More advertising methods.

And more, how to start creating your first thriller stories!

- How to create your first thriller story.
- How to write short thriller stories and make fast sales.

- How to find winning ideas for your thriller book.

- How to get the right characters and plot to make your book a success.

- 2 techniques to create an unexpected final.

- How to develop a series by avoiding the most common errors.

- And a lot more video lessons on Kindle coming in the next few months!
Your Books + My Secret Method = $$$$$
A lot of people try to sell Kindle books, I did that too. But if you miss the right strategies like 99% of them, you will see no results, and your books won’t sell.

With my method you have a big chance to get your books on to the first page and in the top results, if not just at first place. A technique that has worked for years, and that you’ve probably never of heard before, that allows you to become a successful author to get many bank transfers from Amazon.
How Easy It Is To Sell On Kindle?
It’s Very Easy, If You Know The Secrets
And How to Avoid Common Errors.
    No budget to start if you write your books.

    No websites and no lists required.

    You just need an internet connection.

    You don’t need any experience. 
    You don’t have to spend a lot of days.

    There are no complicated funnels.

    Amazon sells for you, not the opposite. 

    And no headaches!
    This is a countercurrent product, it doesn’t talk about the usual methods you have read countless times, that don’t work anymore and bring no results. Everything is based on studies, market tests and the sales I’ve been able to record on my books, the ones I launched with pen names.

    The complete video series, never seen before in the US, that shows you how to write, or get written for you, the ebooks to publish on Kindle, and then to sell as paper books and audiobooks.

    Many of the videos will show you the methods to publish a lot of books on Kindle marketplace, as nonfiction and fiction ebooks.
    BONUS 1
    You get access to a special FB Group, only open for those who have bought this course, where you can ask all the questions and participate by sharing your successes.

    This group is free for you only if you buy this course before the first price bump.
    BONUS 2

    Starting is pretty easy, but if you need help and don’t want to come back to this course, I have created for you a lot of checklists to help you out in every part of the training, to give you all the shortcuts you need without having to come back to the course.

    These checklists too are a special bonus which are only available with the first release of Kindle Business. As soon as the price goes up, this one will become a paid upsell together with FB Group.

    (This Course Was Previously Released in Italy)
    Fabio Spampinato
    A spectacular course on Amazon Kindle, CreateSpace and Audiobooks, by Alessandro Zamboni that is a person out from ordinary. Thanks to this course, I've been able to create other earnings. I suggest to give a look to this course!
    Albina Gabellini
    (Mental Coach)
    I know Alessandro by years, and he's a professional. He publish his technical books in Italian and English, and knowing two languages give him more power. Very esteemed by my same editor Vic Johnson that promoted some of his trainings. An example where words correspond with real expertise.
    Ilario Mangiacasale
    Alessandro is a very available and compassionate, anytime you need him. These are qualities that are never marked down when you buy other people products. He offers a lot of experience in US market and a lot of knowledge in what he does. A person I will follow for a lot of time. Thanks for what you are, Alessandro.
    Are You Ready To Become a Famous Author?
    This is your last chance to start a real business on Kindle marketplace, and start to accumulate profits. The methods I present you have never been released in the US.

    There’s nothing better than a step-by-step training to follow, easy to understand, and with customer support amongst the best in the world.

    Now the final choice is yours. But you have to be fast, because this price is here for you only for 7 days. And not a minute more!
    Don’t Think Twice.
    The Next One Could Be Too Late…

    Now, a couple of things before you purchase.

    One, this is NOT a pie-in-the-sky, zero work method to profit online.

    This is a serious business model that has the chance of helping you reach your next level... IF you're willing to put in the time and effort. It is NOT a get-rich quick scheme - if that's what you're looking for, please leave this page today with my blessings. I didn't put this together for people who have ALREADY cracked the code to profiting online....

    ... instead, I distilled all of my years' worth of Kindle knowledge so you could gain hold of those secrets without spending your own precious time. Time is money, you know - and the sooner you are up to speed with creating your own Kindle Publishing Empire, the better, wouldn't you agree?

    And just to ensure you know that I have your back:

    Here's my 100% Guarantee!

    This course is covered by the following money-back guarantee. Try the methods listed. See how they work for you. If they don't, I'm happy to refund 100% of your purchase and will just ask, how can it be improved? I'm always looking to better myself and pride myself on the quality of my work.
    Thanks a lot and see you on the inside!
    Alessandro Zamboni
    P.S. This is a goldmine. Think twice before closing the page, because starting a business on books is one of the easiest ever. I just built my fortune by selling ebooks.

    P.P.S. With my advice you can complete an entire book in 30 minutes or 1 hour max. These are tricks I learned after paying the most famous coach in the world and participating in high-ticket events.

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