Discover How To Easily Integrate Voice Search
In Your Blog, And Claim Unlimited Traffic
And Countless Sales!

  • 100% Newbie-Friendly Method.
  • 20 Minutes To Fix One Blog.
  • ​No Paid Software Needed.
  • ​Works For Any Language.
  • ​You Can Get Started In Minutes.
  • ​Competitors Know Nothing About This.
  • ​It's 100% Evergreen.
  • ​You Can Resell This As a Service.

Today, 42% Of Adults Do Voice Searches
Every Day. I Will Show You How To Get Found
For The Keywords You Want To Target.

Here Are Some Proofs Of How Voice Marketing
Is Reshaping The Market, Worldwide:

Aligning Your Blog To Voice Search Is Very Easy.
I Will Show You How To Use a Secret Plugin
And Create Your Content The Right Way.

Hello and welcome!

Over the last few months, I saw the traffic coming to my blogs decreasing slowly but constantly. The problem was I didn't know what to do, apart from continuing to post content and ensuring visitors' experience was straightforward.

A few months later, I comprehended why my blogs were losing visitors, and consequently, customers. The problem was I didn't care about voice search.

In a few years, if you noticed, we jumped from writing our research queries on mobile phones by hand to talking. Thanks to AI, and smart home devices, we talk a lot, and we write less. It's the future, and without even noticing, we are changing the way we search for information.

We talk to our cell phone asking for the best restaurant in the zone, we ask how it will be the weather tomorrow, and also some curiosities to our smart home devices like Amazon Echo, Google Nest, virtual doorbells, alarms who talk with you, and much, much more. Yet, we do not notice that sometimes we already jumped into a future where robots will do most work. 

So why you didn't make your blog voice research ready? Allowing your customers to search your content from Google with voice, or simply letting your readers hear your articles instead of reading them?

Finding How To Make Any Blog Or Website Voice Search Friendly Has Been an Engaging Task.

In The End, I Have a Plan You Can Follow.
You Can Turn All Your Post Into Voice, By Pressing a Button, And You Will Know How To Make Your Content
Excellent For Voice Bots, And Much More!

Adding Voice Search To Your Blog Is Easy!

Turn Your Posts Into
Audio In One Click.

Write New Articles In
The Right Way.

Search For Great Voice Search Keywords.

Are You Ready To Discover My
Never-Seen-Before Plan Of Action?

From The Desk Of...

Alessandro Zamboni

All You Need To Do Is Watching My Video Plus PDF Guide, Where I Guide You From Zero To Final Result.

As you have seen from the screenshots I attached on the top of this letter, voice search increases every year, and it's already incredible how many people are using this feature daily.

This course takes you by the hand, giving you the best two tools to learn how to prepare your blog to get instant and tangible results: one 34-pages guide, easy to read, and a video. This way, you can learn the process you can apply how many times you want on your blogs or customers' blogs. This service is something huge to sell on Fiverr or on an SEO Agency.

Adding Voice To Your Blog Not Only Increase
Your Traffic. It Helps Visually Impaired People
To Discover And Appreciate Your Content
a Continuative Base.

Considering thousands of worldwide businesses are taking advantage of voice search while others still struggle to be seen, it's crazy. In addition, intelligent businesses use this technique to get multiple orders for food delivery, restaurant booking, and much more. 

The same applies to the few blogs that have voice search activated. They are reaping the rewards from moving before the masses to jump in on this new, incredible technology.

So don't overthink; if you don't have voice search activated on your blog, you are losing thousands of readers on mobility and using smart home devices for answering their most frequent questions daily.

It is the right moment to jump on this technology and finally get results. It is like a new internet forming right now, under our eyes.

It Is Perfect To Give a Boost To Your Online/Offline Business Or You Can Sell It As a Service On-Demand, Where
You Can Get Paid Hundreds Of Dollars Per Day.

Here Is Why Voice Search Is Different
From Everything Else You Tested:

  • You don't need to get crazy like working with Search Engine Optimization (SEO.)
  • You won't need to work hard to get results. For example, you can convert all your posts to audio your visitors can hear in one click.
  • ​There are no long videos to study. Instead, you get only one 10-mins video and a step-by-step PDF guide.
  • You won't need to pay for freelancers to do this job unless you scale it faster.
  • ​It is not a project stealing hours from your day, as it is the perfect side business you can run in one hour per day if you decide to resell this as a service.
  • ​It is not a hit-and-run job. You can use the techniques I show you for the following years to come.
  • ​It's not a business where you have to search for new customers continuously. Google and other search engines will see you have audio content at your disposal.
  • You don't have to get crazy. You can work two minutes per day to keep your blog active on voice search anytime you add a new post. 
  • ​You don't need paid traffic, and you can focus on creating content for your blog.

Here Is What You Can Have Access To With Our Course.

  • ​How to convert your articles into audio files your visitors can play on your blog, in a single click.
  • Six emerging trends on voice search you can take advantage of.
  • ​Six steps to make your blog, or customers' ones, voice search ready.
  • ​How to make your blog load faster.
  • ​How to use the power of conversational style in your articles.
  • ​All the tricks you need to keep ranking for vocal searches.
  • ​And much, much more.

Thanks To "Voice Search Empire," You Can
Learn How To Profit From Voice Searches.

Once Learned, The Methods Inside The Video
And The eBook Will Be Yours Forever.

I Prepared Two Stunning Bonuses For You!

Exclusive Bonus 1

This guide will help you comprehend basic and advanced Search Engine Optimization techniques to help your blog rank better. A 70-pages guide that will clear every doubt you may have on SEO.

Value: $27

Exclusive Bonus 2

Suppose the first bonus gives you the strategies. In that case, this guide gives you some suitable methods to start taking advantage of good SEO positioning for your blog and for single articles you want to position on top of Google and other search engines.

Value: $27

This Training Gives You The Double Chance To Make Your Blogs Voice Search Compatible,
As Well As Customers Blogs.

You Can Learn Techniques Who Are Still
Not Around And Get Thousands Of
New Visitors To Your Blog With Ease.

Click The Buy Button Now!



If you experience any trouble, or you are not happy with your purchase, you can ask a refund in the first 14 days from your purchase date.

Please send an email to, and I guarantee your refund in no more than 48 hours.

Thanks a lot, and see you on the inside!

Alessandro Zamboni

P.S. Voice search is not a future trend, and it is an emerging trend that took like in the last few months, bringing incredible results to the few who are taking the proper steps. So don't lose this opportunity!

P.P.S. I bet you will be surprised to see how easy it is to make your blog voice search-friendly and how many advantages can bring you traffic and sales. Please test it out, and see the results!

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